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Brit Sex Doll Starring Tia Clegg

Tia Clegg started off her modeling career by entering beauty contests and doing swimsuit and lingerie modeling before moving into topless and nude modeling. She's gone much hotter since then, spreading and toying her pussy on Brit TV and cam call-in shows such as Babestation and Redlight.

Webcams are plentiful in the States but there's no television equivalent as there is in the UK. When Tia's doing the call-in TV channels, Brit fans chat her up on their cell phones for mutual filthy conversations while they watch Tia get into fuck poses and play with her tits. Sometimes she uses a big toy. As you can see, she's become an expert at that, drilling deep into her pink.

“I always play with my boobs,” says Tia. “I rub Nivea in them to keep them soft and moisturized.” In her video interviews, Tia's usually touching her tits or her thighs. She masturbates in the morning and later in the day, besides all of the TV masturbation shows. “I play with my boobs all the time. My nipples get hard very fast,” says Tia. “I have to cum after that.”

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