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Simone's Secret Featuring Simone Lee

Simone's secret is that the people who know her don't know that she's a model. It's like she's a superheroine..a naked superheroine..with a secret identity. Catwoman or Batgirl without a mask. In the big-boob world, there are some babes who stand out in public and immediately draw a crowd because they spell “model.” And then there are those who can blend in without attracting attention. They can go to a mall or work in an office or a hospital and no one has a clue. “The people I work with in my office don't know I model,” Simone says. “It's kind of like my secret. I'd love to tell them but I always hold back for some reason. I don't know why I do. I'm dying to tell them, at least the people I'm closest to..!

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Scoreland.com-Simone's Secret Featuring Simone Lee  


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