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Annina Exposed Featuring Annina

“In Germany, the fans are different from over here,” Annina told us in an exclusive interview. “There aren't a lot of girls with big boobs, so I think it's only a fetish over there, not like here where women with big boobs are so popular. In Germany, women like me are an oddity. In the United States, it is not so unusual. But it was a pleasure for me to be on the cover of SCORE, of course, and very cool, and after that, there were a lot of reactions from over here, from the United States, and also on MySpace. On my MySpace page, (myspace.com/clubannina) most of the friend requests I get are from the United States.” Annina often faces criticism or as we call it, boob prejudice. “In Germany, because of my big boobs, they will say, ‘Oooh, what is that? Her boobs are so big! Oh, silicone.' They don't like it, a lot of people. But it is funny because I don't have a problem meeting guys, so there is also a different side. In Germany, it is a little different from here. In the U.S., men love big boobs and women want to have them.

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  Scoreland.com-Annina Exposed Featuring Annina  


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