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Miami Nice

Featuring Holly Wood
Date August 7th, 2016
Photos 55
Several of the pictures in this pictorial of Holly Wood on-location could be ads for a south Florida tourist board promoting a “Come to Miami” campaign. California girl Holly talked about her afternoon by the water. SCORELAND: Tell us your thoughts about this shoot. Was this what you envisioned in sunny Florida? Holly: The champagne shoot had to be my favorite of all the scenes that I've done! It really was “Me” and so real! Pool, champagne, beautiful scenery, and having fun! Can it get any better? SCORELAND: When you had some free time, what did you do in South Beach? Holly: I went to Ocean Drive, of course! My hangout spot is The Palace. It was so much fun to watch the live show, say hi to friends I made on my first trip and then walk across the street at sunset to play in the ocean and take in the amazing views! SCORELAND: You went to the nude beach Haulover. You must have gotten really checked out. Holly: Jax Slayher took me to Haulover beach right before I had to head to Miami International Airport to go home. I actually had no idea a nude beach was so close! If I had known, I would have gone every night! I love being naked and I love the ocean. It was a perfect combo! People probably thought I was crazy because I basically stripped down as I ran and jumped into the water. Hilarious! .

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August 10, 2016
Hey everyone!! Hollywood here! Thank you so much for your continued support! I love hearing from my fans. Make sure you leave your comments so Score knows what you want to see me in next. I LOVE to please!
Scoreland Miami Nice Featuring Holly Wood

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Hitomi in Miami