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Faye Day

Featuring Lillian Faye
Date October 3rd, 2016
Photos 50
“I love a #vibrator buzzing my clit and my fingers squirming in my pussy,” said Lillian Faye. Whenever some of the SCORE staff go to lunch, none of the waitresses ever say that to us when they're handing out the menu, for some reason. Lillian was a webcam girl when we found her, and since most #webcam girls masturbate (a lot), Lillian was no novice to petting the kitty and was already “pre-loaded” as a model. She didn't need any photographic directorial advice. Her video that matches this photo shoot is a textbook example of how a girl should use her toys or fingers so her pussy is not blocked when she's paddling the pink canoe. In a rare interview for SCOREtv, Lillian talked to host Dave and explained that she's actually a very shy person. On-cam, she's not shy but in the real world, not cyber world, she'll look away if a guy is staring at her chest. “I'm shy but I'm not ashamed of my body,” said Lillian. “I like my body. I'm comfortable with it, I like to show off my body.” Supposedly Lillian is back web-camming so we're looking into that.

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October 04, 2016
your a beautiful woman
Scoreland Faye Day Featuring Lillian Faye

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