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Foxy Fishnets

Featuring Dolly Fox
Date September 17th, 2016
Photos 60
Dolly Fox has a love for big boobs that rivals and often surpasses the obsession that the most-breast-fixated guys have. And that's saying a mouthful. Dolly's favorite word for breasts is boobs (the least favorite is jugs). Check out Dolly's very flexible poses from photo 31 to 36, shot from a high angle. They have it all: face, boobs, pussy, ass and legs. SCORELAND: Dolly, does having large breasts make your sex life more interesting? Dolly: Yes, because guys are really excited to be with a woman with large breasts, but also it's exciting because women want to touch and play with them, and I've had quite a lot of offers to have sex with girls, and a lot of times I've done it. I want to finally meet some of the big-boobed American girls I have so much admiration for and I think Hitomi is very sexy. This is my special goal. SCORELAND: Where is the one special spot to touch that makes you very horny? Dolly: I think I have a few of these, but it's more how and who that's important. The right person could even do it without touching! SCORELAND: What's the most impulsive thing you've ever done? Dolly: A threesome with a second girl. . Don't forget to Follow #FF Dolly Fox on #Twitter–> @RealDollyFox
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What Members are saying about this update…

September 18, 2016
Dolly is so fucking hot! I can't wait to see what she looks like when she goes bigger!
September 18, 2016
Can never get enough of Dolly. Love those mega tits! Keep on bringing her back for more.
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