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Breastfully Clean

Featuring Juliana Simms
Date September 18th, 2016
Photos 50
Juliana Simms. A mirage of voluptuously curvy, shapely and alluring womanhood. Comely and well-proportioned and, like one of the flowers she cultivates, in full bloom. SCORELAND: So, Juliana, how long does a bra last you before you throw it out? Juliana: Only three to four months. SCORELAND: Do you put on your bra from the front or the back? Juliana: From the front. SCORELAND: Do you think women should be allowed to be topless anywhere it's legal for men to be shirtless? Juliana: Yes. For me, it is not a problem. SCORELAND: If you can choose any word or sentence printed on your T-shirt, what would it be? Juliana: “You want to be with me? Can you handle it?” SCORELAND: When you are out with friends, what do you drink? Juliana: I will have a Martini or a whiskey. .

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September 18, 2016
WOW! What I wouldn't give to join her in the shower!
Scoreland Breastfully Clean Featuring Juliana Simms

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