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“I Love Big Toys”

Featuring Bella French
Photos 75
A beautiful, sleek Québécoise from Montreal, who's dripping with sex appeal, Bella French (Holiday '13 SCORE) may look delicate but don't let appearances deceive you. Bella can kick butt. She works out almost every day and practices boxing and other martial arts several days a week. Bella has a talent for spreading her pussy lips perfectly. She opens really wide and knows the art of spreading so you can see everything her gorgeous pink snatch has to offer. Photo 49 is a perfect example. So is photo 74! Even when she fucks her pussy with a big Doc Johnson cock, there's still lots of pink around it as seen in photo 67. Bella is a girl who knows how to choose and wear the hottest clothing, a talent shared by Vanessa Montagne. She looks naked even with her clothes on…

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Scoreland's Busty Babes

What Members are saying about this update…

tolbox 01
February 03, 2016
bella is beautiful I love bella . please bella back one of the best. thank you!!

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