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Featuring Gya
Date July 25th, 2016
Photos 70
“It is very hard for me to find bikini tops that fit me,” says Gya, killing her swimsuit and bursting with juicy energy. “They don't last long on me. When I go to the beach, the guys watch me all the time. One man said to me, I was hoping your top would fall off when a wave hit you!!' I seem to attract followers wherever I go. But that is good because I love attention, especially from all men.” Gya likes to play dress-up. She's got the superwoman body for it. We can't even imagine Gya and Tiggle Bitties in the same room together. The roof would blow off. I really like all kinds of costumes and fantasies. I like being the naughty school girl..

What Members are saying about this update…

July 27, 2016
Love her phat ass, big tits and pretty toes. Sign me up for a shoot with Gya! I would love to lick her from head to toe and bury my face in her lovely phat ass. Sign me up Score! 🙂