“I was out having some drinks with some friends and some guy came up to me and said, ‘You have great boobs. Can I touch them?' I said okay. Then he said thanks and walked away.” Nice girl that Sheridan Love, letting a total stranger touch her prized rack. Then again, over at SCORELAND these days and in the new movie All The Way In, Sheridan is letting total strangers fuck her mouth and pussy, so there you go. Sheridan is short ‘n' stacked and beautiful, but that doesn't mean you have to be a Greek god to catch her attention. She's less focused on looks and more focused on personality, unlike..well, us. “I appreciate a guy with a sense of humor who is polite and respectful. They need to do the little things, like opening doors and treating others with courtesy and respect. If a guy wants to meet me, he should just come over and say hi.” I'm sure Sheridan gets a lot of doors opened for her. I'd open the door for her in the hopes that I could look down her blouse or that she'd brush her chest against mine.
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