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Cummin' Round Her Mountains

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Featuring Maserati
Date December 5th, 2014
Photos 82
Maserati and JMac first did the deed in one of her earliest SCORELAND scenes in 2011, when she was just starting out (“Maserati Goes For A Juggy Joy Ride”). Now they're hooking-up again for a new power-point display of high-performance fucking. Maserati's sex engine is running hot, and they've got some lost time to make up for. The sheer size and weight of Maserati's big boobs never fails to astound. She said she thought her left breast was 10 pounds and her right eight pounds, and that was two years ago. “The only way to measure a bra is to stick your tits in it,” Maserati said. “I was wearing a double-H, but then after a while, it didn't fit and I was having back pain. So I said, ‘Maybe I should try an I-cup,' but that didn't fit, either. So now I'm wearing a J-cup. The measuring tape might say I'm an N-cup, but my breasts swim in a double-J, so I'm very happy with what I'm wearing.” Born in Kingston, Jamaica and living in Connecticut, Maserati made her American dreams come true and in doing so, made breast-men's dreams come true, too.

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What Members are saying about this update…

January 21, 2015
So hat and beautiful Maserati.
December 17, 2014
Maserati is beyond perfection!
December 10, 2014
So how do you get to work for Score and have sex with sexy and busty dark-skinned ladies like Maserati? I don't mind not being paid…
December 06, 2014
My Goodness, Maserati's beauty is astounding. What a face and figure!
December 05, 2014
LOVE her breasts, and she has incredible skin, too…really soft and smooth looking.

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Cummin' Round Her Mountains Featuring Maserati

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