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Man Vs. Boobs

Featuring Lana Ivans
Date April 30th, 2012
Photos 60
We've yet to see any photo or video with Lana Ivans that wasn't hotter than a taco straight out of a Mexican cantina. Lana, the busty little Romanian charmer SCORE discovered, turned out to be one of the hottest girls of the last five years. You never know which way the wind blows when a new model arrives. Will she fly solo and stay that way? Will she model for a bit and then drop out of sight? Will she try a real sex scene with a guy? You can't predict by a sexy accent or a glint in the eyes. There's never a clear scene of the future until it happens. With Lana, the heat waves radiating off her body can dry a wet T-shirt in two minutes. Dressed in a skimpy two-piece that's like a second skin, Lana follows the scent of meat on a hot grill to the pool area where she finds Mr. Largo cooking weiners on the veranda. It's not the scent of cooked meat Lana smells or wants. Chef Rams-her wants to feed Lana a taste of the grilled weiner he has prepared but Lana wants his private weiner with hot nut sauce.

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December 19, 2012
Wow! Hot scene!
Scoreland Man Vs. Boobs Featuring Lana Ivans

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