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Big Pillows

Date December 26th, 2011
Photos 60
Valory, Sophie and Eden have put on sexy lingerie and are curled up together in bed having a private little slumber party and giggling over the book “The Ultimate Guide To Pleasing Men,” written by Michelle Bond, owner of the Big Boob Finishing School. They're reading Michelle's words of wisdom to each other and enjoying each other's company. Tonight they're into chapter 6 “Be A Porn Star In Bed.” They start play-acting, reading from the manual. The guidelines are very clear. Girls shouldn't say to their boyfriends, “My other boyfriends never made me do that!” They should say, “Honey, you are the most wonderful boyfriend I ever had!” Never say, “Honey, I am going to go shopping with my friends now. I will be back later.” Instead, say, “Honey, would you like to come with me and help me pick out some sexy things at the lingerie store?'” The girls start bumping into each other with their big, sexy tits while they continue to check out the wise words of Michelle's book, a book written not just for Valory, Eden and Sophie, but for all stacked hotties in every nation on earth. Eden tweaks her nipple. The other girls kinda notice this. They continue to read. Don't say, “Where are you taking me out to dinner tonight?' Say instead, “Honey, I think I would like to stay home and cook you dinner and give you a blow job.” Don't say, “Honey, does this dress make my ass look too big?” Say, “Honey, am I showing enough cleavage today?” The girls toss their manuals aside and start pillow fighting.

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What Members are saying about this update…

December 30, 2011
This is truely the best group of Charlies Angels yet!!!
December 26, 2011
what an awesome oictorial, 3 lovely beauties togethor on a bed boy do I wish I could join them
Scoreland Big Pillows Featuring Eden Mor, Sophie Mae, and Valory Irene

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