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Dutch Treat

Featuring Ariana Angel
Date May 20th, 2009
Photos 100
Ariana Angel is an Amsterdam record promoter and music student, historian, writer and journalist specializing in the hardcore punk scene. She attends hundreds of concerts, shows and parties a year. And she's carrying some major bongos which is why she's in both SCORE and Voluptous magazines for May '09 and a “cross-over” covergirl in both. That's a very impressive start for a first-timer here. (Via Paxton was a double September covergirl in 1999.) Ariana enjoys traveling around Europe seeing bands and writing about them, buying vintage clothes, hanging out with her girls, and going to parties. What she doesn't enjoy: sports, guilt trips and drama. Ariana likes to have sex in a room with mirrors and says her #kinkiest experience was in the parking lot at a KISS show although she gives no details. (Whatever happened, Gene Simmons would approve it.) However, even though Ariana's into a fetishy and alternative look and life, she says she's “pretty boring” when it comes to her sex fantasies, which seems unlikely, but, hey, that's what the lady says. Ariana had an iPod vibrator at one time. These gizmos are mini-vibrators that plug into an iPod, a cell phone or any music player and buzz to the music. .

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Peter P.
October 21, 2015
Scoreland Dutch Treat Featuring Ariana Angel

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