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Traffic Jammer Featuring Nancy Navarro

“I don't like to wear a bra because they're too tight,” says Nancy Navarro of New York. “I can't breathe. In order to make a bra really hold my boobs, they have to be really small around my chest, and that's just too tight for me.” “My nipples are always hard. It doesn't even matter if I'm turned on or not turned on. They're always hard. Cold, hot, not hot, not cold, it doesn't matter what I'm doing.” “When I walk, I've actually had people at the light stop and look at me. I usually wear dresses. I don't wear stuff that's too revealing, but there's not much I can do to hide my boobs. They're about to make a turn, and they just wait for me to walk by. Then they make their turn.

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  Scoreland.com-Traffic Jammer Featuring Nancy Navarro  


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