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Pink Fox

Featuring Dolly Fox
Date August 11th, 2016
Photos 67
It's always a pleasure to see Dolly Fox again. Dolly recently told us that she is a big fan of the spaghetti westerns of the '60s and '70s such as the Sergio Leone/Clint Eastwood films. This is the first time a SCORE covergirl has ever said that. Dolly even took a recent trip to Mini-Hollywood in Tabernas, Spain, one of the semi-desert movie locations where many westerns were filmed and is now a tourist attraction. Dolly would make a hot western-style saloon girl. Speaking of hooter-holsters.. SCORELAND: Dolly, what do you look for in a bra? Comfort? Ease of purchase? Dolly: The only thing I look for in a bra is to find my size, all the rest I look after. It's very hard to find my size and if I look at the style, then I will like something I see but then they don't have my size! I have to look all over to find those or buy online. But mostly I don't even wear a bra. In this pictorial and the video, I wear a matching bra, garter and panty set. Dolly's sent photos of herself in magazine stores holding up an issue of SCORE. For fans follow Dolly Fox on Twitter @RealDollyFox
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August 11, 2016
Man! Can she be any more perfect?
Scoreland Pink Fox Featuring Dolly Fox

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