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Let's Play Doctor

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Katarina Dubrova is approaching her due date. She feels a little off her game and wants to go to the doctor for a physical so she books an appointment. Healthcare in the Czech Republic is free to all citizens unlike the USA where healthcare is free only if the patient is pretty and has big tits and a great body. The doctor, who looks vaguely familiar to Kat, checks her pulse and her heartbeat, then has her remove her tent-like dress so he can examine her baby bump and girl-box. She takes her dress off behind a curtain and returns in her bra and panties. As the doctor's fingers examine and roam her body, his touch sends electric thrills through her. Her nipples are leaking a little, normal for her present condition. She's already very hot from her pregnant state and this makes her want to get her hands on a cock. The doctor must be safe, she thinks. After all, he's a doctor, has a red thermometer and wears a white coat.

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