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Roxi Red vs JMac

Featuring Roxi Red
Date August 12th, 2016
Photos 75
It's Roxi Red vs JMac at SCORELAND in an epic match-up of man vs woman with gigantic natural tits. JMac can't believe his eyes but seeing is believing. Tape-measuring and weighing supply even more proof that he is in the presence of #boob royalty, a girl that very few girls can measure up to, a genetic miracle of the mams. Roxi tells JMac how she likes a guy to handle her breasts. They may be super-huge, a pair of the biggest natural sucklers in the world, but Roxi doesn't like it rough and prefers the gentle treatment when it comes to boob play. When JMac palms each boob, it wobbles in his hands. Roxi jiggles them for him once her top is discarded. When he rests his head on her lap, Roxi covers his face with her knockers. Being a sweetheart, she asks him if he can breathe comfortably. So who needs oxygen? @JMac can't wait to try Roxi out for size. .

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August 13, 2016
A big cock for the big boobs = a big scene !
Scoreland Roxi Red vs JMac

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