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Hawaii 36EEE

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Featuring Claudia KeAloha
Date November 30th, 2014
Photos 50
Our Q&A with Claudia KeAloha continues from “Hawaii 36EEE,” her solo cam-show video in SCORE Theater. This time we tap into Claudia's life as an exotic dancer. SCORE: Claudia, what club do you currently dance in? Claudia KeAloha: Right now, I am not dancing at any clubs, but I will be looking to dance somewhere in Sarasota or Tampa soon. I'm modeling and web-camming. SCORE: How did you handle your very first time on stage? Claudia KeAloha: Well, when I started dancing I was studying modern dance and I thought I had to perform like it was “Lincoln Center” [Laughs] Until a kind customer told me stripping was not supposed to be energetic or fast. He said “Just move slowly, sensually, turn and turn.” He was right! SCORE: How should guys behave in a dance club, besides giving the dancers his weekly paycheck and living on crackers? Claudia KeAloha: Guys should just relax and be themselves. Some of my greatest conversations have been at strip clubs. Treating the dancers well will get you much further. If you know what I mean. [Laughs] You get more bees with honey than vinegar. SCORE: Do you meet lap dance-aholics? Claudia KeAloha: Yes. Many.

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What Members are saying about this update…

November 29, 2015
What an outstanding model, simply on fire. I have lately been pretty smitten with the amazonian stripper hottie: i.e. Amy Anderrssen, Bella French, Dolly Fox etc…Claudia fits the bill to a “T” with ease. I am super fond of her camera confidence and charizma coupled with supesonic poses. I am very fond of how she uses her facial expressions to complement her amazing hotness and electrically charged poses….she varies how she uses those sultry eyes and super hot lips, mouth and tongue and it really conveys exstasy and for the viewer and induces imagination….she has a rock star aura in her images and it fukn rips way hot. The whole shoot is fantastic but from 22 to the end it really reaches hyper speed…I so love how she ( and other models ) spread their gorgeous legs wide (with heels on 🙂 ) and pussy lips with their massive tits in view and on up to their gorgeous faces….and if their expressions are dynamic and suggest exstasy, then they've really nailed the image in my eyes…some that do it VERY well are Claudia, Liza Biggs and Daylene Rio, just to name a few…..thanks babe, super fucking hot for sure.
December 01, 2014
I like her answers, would like to hear more from her on the last question;-)

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Hawaii 36EEE Featuring Claudia KeAloha

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