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Executive Sweet

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Featuring Tori Karsin
Date August 24th, 2014
Photos 65
How many of you have, or have had, a lady boss with big tits? How many of you have, or have had, a lady boss with big tits who called you into her office so she could drop her bra, drop her panties, get on the floor and masturbate her butthole with a butt plug and finger-fuck her pussy? We see that not many of you are holding your hands up. That's what female executive Tori Karsin does in her Executive Sweet pictorial and video here at SCORELAND. Yes, the perks of having a horny lady boss are sweet indeed. “I masturbate daily, at least once a day,” says Tori from Texas. “Most of the time, I masturbate several times a day. I love to look at porn DVDs and videos on the computer and masturbate as much as I can.” A girl after our own hearts. Most women claim, at least in surveys, that they like to read soft-core erotic books but girls such as Tori like to see it and bake their cookies, not just read about it. This is very commendable. More women should be encouraged to join TSG websites and give their fingers and toys some exercise. When she has time, Tori likes to visit strip clubs in Houston.

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What Members are saying about this update…

June 08, 2015
Oh Tori, You are really hot and sexy and you performed an outstanding job making my dick so rock hard steel. I truly love looking at those big natural milk sacks breast of yours and wish I could suck and kiss those pert nipples like you did and make them even harder than they are and then stick my long hard tongue up in your sweet sticky woman hole pussy and eat you out and suck every bit of your nector pussy juices out. I just know it would taste like sweet strawberry juice. If I could only take my long hard steel red throbbing tingling cock and just rub the tip of it up and down very, very slowly on the outside of you pussy it would give me such erotic pleasure I couldn't hold back from just empty my scalding hot semen filled balls on that pussy of yours. What a great video. Thanks also for keeping your sexy stripper shoes on which only added to my extended sexual pleasure. Please cum back soon and often.
August 25, 2014
Simply stunning; what a gorgeous woman. More please, much much more!!!!

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