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Angel With A Red Dress On

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Featuring Micky Bells
Date July 7th, 2014
Photos 60
“I don't dress to attract attention but I get it anyway,” says Micky Bells, now ultra slim and still stacked after months of diet and exercise that have transformed her body. “I also stopped eating fast food and I sleep more. I feel quite good about all the attention people give me.” “I hope all the guys still like me, but I don't know,” Micky said. “Maybe there are some guys who liked me bigger, but I'm not worried. I know there will be others who will like me as I am now. Everything balances out, yes?” “I still go on cam but if I had not become a photo model, I would have not travelled to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico and Montego Bay, Jamaica, so modeling for SCORE has given me many opportunities to see the world and to meet other beautiful girls like Hitomi and Terri.” .

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What Members are saying about this update…

November 23, 2015
Love photos 46 & 47 with her pussy wide open.
February 27, 2015
Micky, I would like to say that you are perfect. You belong to an exclusive club of girls that you can gain weight and look amazing curvy, voluptuous, elegant, sexy, your fat deposits make your body to shine, they can make your curves to be more pronounced, your body frame gets bigger, your hips more meaty, and the proof of that it is already on film captured by DEAR SCORE GUYS, and now you are showing us that you have lost weight a lot, and you are now equally beautiful and stunning as 4 years ago. You look now slim, beautiful skinny, your legs are just perfect, your belly is amazing, your face is so cute, and now lets talk about your breast. You still have a pair of marvelous gems. Their shape is so unique, regardless what your weight is. The fat deposits of each boob are naturally sculpting your breast, the way the hang naturally is just a paradise. Micky that is why you can do whatever you want. No matter how much weight you gain or lose you just were BORN AND BLESSED WITH PERFECT GENETICS. A GODDESS thank you for showing us your endless beauty… Thanks Score for bringing her to us…
July 07, 2014
July 07, 2014
Micky, you just keep getting better and better. I swear you are more beautiful every time I see you!! Please keep coming back.
July 07, 2014

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Scoreland Angel With A Red Dress On Featuring Micky Bells  

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