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New Discovery

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Featuring Barbara Angel
Date June 28th, 2014
Photos 75
Meet Barbara Angel. She's never modeled before. She wanted to and looked at some options. Then she found TSG on the net and sent over some snaps. One look was all it took and it wasn't long before one of our guys was packing his camera bags. Barbara lives in the Czech Republic, one of the smallest countries with the biggest number of big-boobed models. At least it seems that way. Barbara wears a 32G-cup bra in US size and she says she has to buy her bras from specialty stores. She can easily suck her own nipples and does it in her video. Barbara has what many breast men favor: blue-veined, creamy white breast skin. 😎

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What Members are saying about this update…

October 23, 2015
CONGRATULATIONS SCORE, PERFECTION, this set is just perfect. Thanks for the last 4 pictures on this set, pictures numbered 72,73,74, and 75. Those are just STATE OF THE ART – CLASSIC ART POSES. Frontal, side right, side left, and back view full body eye level straight camera angle shots. Boobs hanging free no hands. Feet aligned. NO distorted by a low or high angle camera, here you have perfect pics showing her body just as natural as her beautiful body it is. THANKS A LOT FOR THIS and then I can just dream about this but Score you have the power to execute this idea… Can you imagine having the last 4 shots of every single photoshoot of all these amazing and unique girls dedicated to always have this eye level full body shots head to toe, no distortion of any low of high camera angle, just exactly the same stunning and beautiful way this photographer did on this set of barbara angel in the last 4 pictures. He got inspired and he did it. Now this is a marvelous piece of reference for the anatomy of this girl. I can imagine doing this with two girls standing next to each other like for example barbara angel next to joanna bliss the you will be able to see her real amazing proportions compared to the other amazing girl both standing straight just like these 4 perfect pictures. Imagine if this was done with merelyn sakova back in the years or with nicole peters. THANKS SCORE AND PLEASE IF YOU DO THAT IN ALL PIC SETS WILL BE JUST SCORELAND PARADISE…
March 22, 2015
Barbara is the greatest ever on scoreland. perfect rack. the best.
December 17, 2014
Absolute stunner! Love Barbara, the reason I re-joined
June 29, 2014
Thank you for this new discovery! 🙂
June 28, 2014
once again agreat find from the Czech republic. Barbara is very lovely. more of soon. thank you

Big Boob Videos » “New Discovery Featuring Barbara Angel”

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Scoreland New Discovery Featuring Barbara Angel  

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