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F-Cup Student

Featuring Ariana Angel
Date June 5th, 2009
Photos 100
“It's a good sign when a model makes both SCORE and V-Mag covers the same month,” observes N.W. about Ariana Angel, a gorgeous Dutch record company promoter, student and music historian. It's not easy to find busty Dutch models for reasons unknown. Amsterdam was one of the birthplaces of the adult magazine and movie industry but that doesn't seem to factor in much in the quest for big-boobed girls like Ariana, who's dressed as the ultimate college student in this pictorial. She's a vegetarian, has no interest in politics and enjoys hitting hardcore punk-rock concerts with her friends. She likes guys who are “out of step.” Non-conformists. Guys who follow their own drumbeat. That fits in with some of her favorite movies, Napoleon Dynamite, Donnie Darko and Edward Scissorhands, films about people living outside the cultural mainstream. The worst thing a guy can say to Ariana is “I liked you a lot better before you opened your mouth.” The funniest pick-up line a guy ever laid on her was “I have the same tattoo as you. Which ended up as true.” She likes men who inspire an emotional connection as well as a physical one.

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March 02, 2011
One of my favorite Score/V-Mag girls of all time. If you guys ever get the chance to bring her back, do it! I've spilled enough cum to drown in over the last few years for this girl!
Scoreland F-Cup Student Featuring Ariana Angel

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